FocusEd on Procedures and Routines

FocusEd on Procedures and Routines

Student achievement at the end of the year is directly related to the degree to which a teacher establishes good control of the classroom procedures in the very first weeks of the school year

(Wong & Wong; 2009 The First Days of School)

Definition: What does this mean?

Routines- Actions and activities that students are expected to perform independently and automatically.  

Procedures – The students’ performance and repeated rehearsal of these routines.

Process: How do I establish routines?

  • Explain by demonstrating and modeling the procedure.
  • Rehearse through guiding the procedure
  • Reinforce by practicing the procedures daily until they become habit, independent and routine.

Any new procedure is demonstrated, guided and practiced over several weeks in order for them to become routine.

Purpose: Why are routines important?

  • Establishes clear and attainable expectations
  • Fosters Independence
  • Generates metacognitive thinking
  • Promotes self-monitoring
  • Ensures minimal time lost on instruction
  • Improves time management skills
  • Increases proficiency
  • Boosts self confidence

Examples: When and where do we implement them?

Coverage of academic content will happen at a faster and more consistent rate if time is first spent making sure that procedures are demonstrated, guided and rehearsed!

Executive function Routines: Some examples but not limited to:

Transitioning from classroom to work space
Getting work space ready
Organizing work space
Organization of subject materials
Time/Clock (time management)
Cleaning up work space
Transitioning back to classroom
Use of timers (timed academic routines)

Academic Routines*: Some examples but not limited to:

Heading pages
Graphing progress
Card packs
Word study
Sight word
Independent reading
Guided reading
Number concepts
Computation ( +, -, x  etc..)
Word problems

*Academic routines are only implemented with mastered content.

Behavioral Routines: Some examples but not limited to:

Reinforcement and Reward system
Gaining student attention cue
Student requesting for help
Listening to directions
Sitting expectations
Voice expectations
Body expectations