Auto Draft

Student will write 3 paragraph composition within teacher’s stated time frame to increase speed with graphomotor skills for optimal performance/success within school setting

Auto Draft

Student will write paragraph consisting of 10 sentences within teacher’s stated time frame to increase speed with graphomotor skills for optimal performance/success within school setting

Auto Draft

Student will write 10 words with appropriate spacing and with each word being even with the next without the use of a ruled line to increase graphomotor skills for optimal performance/success within school setting

Auto Draft

Student will appropriately place words written in cursive upon line on paper to increase graphimotor skills for optimal performance/success within school setting

Auto Draft

Student will complete 60 to 100 piece puzzle to increase visual perception and spatial awareness for optimal performance/ success within school setting

Auto Draft

Student will appropriately form cursive letters to increase graphomotor skills for optimal performance/success within school setting

Auto Draft

Student will draw a person with 10 parts to increase body awareness/spatial awareness for optimal participation/success within school setting

Auto Draft

Student will draw a detailed picture with recognisable objects to increase spatial awareness and visual perceptual skills for optimal performance/success within school setting

Auto Draft

Student will draw a person with 8 parts to increase body awareness/ spatial awareness for optimal participation/ success within school setting

Auto Draft

Student will complete a 48 piece puzzle to increase visual perceptual and spatial awareness for optimal participation/success within school setting