Student will explain the zero property of subtraction

Student will demonstrate understanding of the commutative property of subtraction

Student will subtract numbers whose minuend (1st number) is no greater than 19 using mental math

Student will complete a subtraction worksheet with minuends that are no greater than 19

Student will subtract numbers whose minuend (1st number) is no greater than 10 with the use of pictures

Student will subtract numbers whose minuend (1st number) is no greater than 10 with the use of a number line

Student will subtract numbers whose minuend (1st number) is no greater than 10 using mental math

Student will complete a subtraction worksheet with minuends that are no greater than 10

Student will subtract numbers whose minuend (1st number) is no greater than 19 with the use of manipulatives

Student will subtract numbers whose minuend (1st number) is no greater than 19 with the use of pictures