Student will state which digit in a 7-9 digit number is in a specific column

Student will state the value of a digit in a 7-9 digit number in a specific column

Student will label the one’s, ten’s, hundred’s, thousand’s, ten thousand’s and hundred thousand’s column in which a given number digit is located

Student will state which digit is in a specific column

Student will state the value of a digit in a specific column

Student will label the column in a 7-9 digit number in which a specific number is located

Given a number up to 100,000, the student will state the value of a digit in a specific column

Student will label the one’s, ten’s, hundred’s and thousand’s and ten thousand’s column in a given number

Given a number up to 100,000 the student will label the column in which a specific digit is located

Given a number up to 100,000 the student will state which digit is in a specific column