Student will create a daily schedule based on actual time

The student will define the Zero property, Associative Property and Commutative Property of addition and multiplication and apply it to problems

Student will complete long division problems that contain 1 digit divisors and 2 digit dividends

Student will state time to the quarter hour in different ways (i.e. 9:15, a quarter after 9)

Student will label the one’s, ten’s, hundred’s and thousand’s and ten thousand’s column in a given number

Student will complete long division problems that contain 1 digit divisors and 2 digit dividends with remainders

Student will explain the connection between time and fractions (i.e. ¾ of an hour is equivalent to 45 minutes)

Given a number up to 100,000 the student will label the column in which a specific digit is located

Student will complete long division problems that contain 1 digit divisors and 3 digit dividends with remainders

Student will determine the hour based on the position of the hour hand