Student will avoid obstacles in his path while walking or running

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Student will have homework assignments completed according to teacher’s time frame for optimal performance/ success within school setting

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Student will understand and plan appropriate study and homework time according to class schedule for optimal performance/success within school setting

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Student will accurately estimate time needed to complete class assignment for optimal performance/ success within school setting

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Student will demonstrate ability to play fast moving game that requires strategy and planning ahead go optimal performance/ success within school setting

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Student will demonstrate neat and clean appearance demonstrated by stain free clothing, washed and combed hair and good hygiene to increase daily living skills for optimal performance/success within school setting

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Student will brush and comb hair independently to increase daily living skills for optimal performance/success within school setting

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Student will efficiently use eating utensils for all types of food to increase daily living skills for optimal performance/ success within school setting

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Student will manipulate small buttons, snaps and hooks to increase daily living skills for optimal performance/ success within school setting

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Student will demonstrate proper body mechanics during physical education class following 15 minutes of vestibular and proprioceptive input for optimal performance/ success within school setting